
Secretary, tlf. 62 65 61 21


Idrættens Hus,

Brøndby Stadion 20,

2605 Brøndby

Development consultant

Jorge Sánchez

tlf. 21 67 61 35

Are you trying to contact one of our committees? You can find their contact information with the relevant committee.

 Committees and Working Groups:

Tournament committee

The Tournament Committee is responsible for planning our national championships, junior tournaments, playoffs, licenses, club transfers, player eligibility, etc. The committee also answers clarifying questions about the tournament regulations.


Lars Højrup Nielsen
Jens Terkelsen

Junior committee

In the committee, we work on creating the best conditions for our young players and how to attract more juniors to softball. The activities include:

– The popular annual junior tour
– Summer Camp
– Joint training sessions
– Collaboration with the youth national teams

If you want to help shape the future generations of Danish softball players, please contact the Junior Committee.


Henriette Gilhøj
Jorge Sánchez
Pernille Enoch
William Melin

Elite committee

The Elite Committee is responsible for the federation's elite activities and talent development.

It primarily concerns national and international activities for our national teams.


  • Mette Nissen Jakobsen
  • Anton Schiøtz Brown
Umpire committee

The Umpire Committee is responsible for developing the umpire profession within the Danish Softball Federation, allocating umpires for national and international tournaments, and training club umpires.


  • Jens Jakobsen, Umpire in Chief
  • Jonas Balck Kristensen
  • The board contact to the committee: Anton Brown

If you need a match report – link til kamprapport skema i pdf format

Match report – Procedure – Kamprapportering, Sådan gør du!

Communication committee

The Danish Softball Federation's communication team is responsible for conveying softball stories ranging from international tournaments to our junior activities.

Do you want to join?

There's always room for more in the communication team. If you're interested in trying out exciting communication tasks, social media, and gaining experience in communication assignments, contact us.


Vivian Claire Culp (formand for udvalget og kontakt til bestyrelsen)
Helle Sylvest
Jorge Sánchez

Ordens og Amatørudvalget

Amatør- og Ordensudvalget (Appeludvalget) vælges af repræsentantskabet og rapporterer derfor ikke til bestyrelsen.

A&O træffer afgørelser i protester og ved udvisninger.

DSoF vil gerne sikre kvalitet og ensartethed i de sager, der behandles af et Ordensudvalg og at det sikres ved hjælp af en juridisk upartisk enhed.
Man har derfor, på Repræsentantskabsmødet 25. marts 2017, besluttet at tilgå det nye Appeludvalg, som IKC har sammensat.

Ved at tilknytte Ordensudvalget to rådgivere med særlig idrætslig Softball-indsigt til at vejlede og rådgive, sikre man, at Ordensudvalget forstår sporten og dens mekanismer.
Flere andre specialforbund har valgt samme løsning for at give Ordensudvalget størst mulig chance for at behandle sagerne hensigtsmæssigt og korrekt.

Det nye Ordensudvalg er en sports juridisk enhed, der fremadrettet skal behandle indkomne sager, så vi kan sikre bedst mulig sagsbehandling. Udvalget får tilknyttet to rådgivere, med særlig idrætslig Softball-indsigt, til at rådgive og vejlede i sagsbehandlingen. De to rådgivere har også stemmeret.

Ordensudvalget tiltrådte efter Repræsentantskabsmødet 25. marts 2017. Der henvises til DSoF’s love kapitel 6, § 15, stk. 1-5 for Ordensudvalgets virke.

Hvis du har en protest du vil have behandlet af A&O skal du være opmærksom på Turneringsreglementets kapitel 10 om protester

§ 42
Stk. 1 Indberetninger og protester fra kampe skal indsendes til A&O.

Stk. 2 En protest skal være meddelt formanden for A&O senest 48 timer efter
kampens påbegyndelse. Sammen med den skriftlige protest, der skal være
formanden for A&O i hænde senest 4 døgn efter kampens påbegyndelse, skal
der stilles et depositum der fastsættes af Forbundets bestyrelse.
Depositummet tilbagebetales til klubben, hvis protesten tages til følge.

Kontakt til A&O på følgende emailadresse:

Medlemmerne af A&O er følgende:
Den Juridiske enhed (læs mere om de enkelte personer her: Appeludvalget 2020)

Rådgivere (med særlig idrætslig Softball-indsigt)
Martin Jørgensen (KIK/Hur)
Jonas Balck Kristensen (Ump/Gia)

Tidligere afgørelser kan findes here

Girl initiative The initiative for girls started in 2021 at the representatives' meeting when there was a desire to get more girls into the sport. The initiative primarily focuses on holding events for girls in clubs and as pop-ups in parks where we can be and where there are many passersby. 
"Girls at Bat" has become the name of these events, and the emphasis is not only on giving the little girls a great day and introducing them to softball, but also on engaging the older girls, providing them with positive experiences as coaches. This way, we can build a larger base of women in these roles in Danish softball in the future.

If you would like to be part of the group or bring the event to your club or a girl's birthday party, you are welcome to contact us via email.

"Girls at Bat" is no longer just a Danish phenomenon; the Swedish Softball Federation has also adopted the concept. Other countries have also shown interest, and although they may not use the same name and logo, it has spread across Europe.


Jan Poulsen
Camille Moulinou
Helle Sylvest
Vivian Culp

Inclusion committee The committee is working on activities that make the sport attractive to as many people as possible.
Among other things, a policy for the inclusion of transgender individuals has been developed, and in this context, the committee is working on making more documents gender-neutral and translating the website into English.


Carla Bello
Evie Craig
Helle Sylvest
Vivian Culp
Skærmbillede 2020-08-27 kl. 11.21.04